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【accident on 670 columbus today】Is Antipa Minerals Limited's (ASX:AZY) CEO Being Overpaid?


简介Roger Mason has been the CEO of Antipa Minerals Limited (ASX:AZY) since 2011. First, this article wi ...

Roger Mason has been the CEO of Antipa Minerals Limited (


【accident on 670 columbus today】Is Antipa Minerals Limited's (ASX:AZY) CEO Being Overpaid?

) since 2011. First,accident on 670 columbus today this article will compare CEO compensation with compensation at similar sized companies. After that, we will consider the growth in the business. And finally we will reflect on how common stockholders have fared in the last few years, as a secondary measure of performance. This process should give us an idea about how appropriately the CEO is paid.

【accident on 670 columbus today】Is Antipa Minerals Limited's (ASX:AZY) CEO Being Overpaid?

Check out our latest analysis for Antipa Minerals

【accident on 670 columbus today】Is Antipa Minerals Limited's (ASX:AZY) CEO Being Overpaid?

How Does Roger Mason's Compensation Compare With Similar Sized Companies?

According to our data, Antipa Minerals Limited has a market capitalization of AU$25m, and paid its CEO total annual compensation worth AU$405k over the year to June 2019. While this analysis focuses on total compensation, it's worth noting the salary is lower, valued at AU$300k. We examined a group of similar sized companies, with market capitalizations of below AU$286m. The median CEO total compensation in that group is AU$380k.

So Roger Mason receives a similar amount to the median CEO pay, amongst the companies we looked at. While this data point isn't particularly informative alone, it gains more meaning when considered with business performance.

The graphic below shows how CEO compensation at Antipa Minerals has changed from year to year.

ASX:AZY CEO Compensation, January 1st 2020

Is Antipa Minerals Limited Growing?

Antipa Minerals Limited has increased its earnings per share (EPS) by an average of 21% a year, over the last three years (using a line of best fit). In the last year, its revenue is up 174%.

This shows that the company has improved itself over the last few years. Good news for shareholders. It's great to see that revenue growth is strong, too. These metrics suggest the business is growing strongly. Although we don't have analyst forecasts you could get a better understanding of its growth by checking out

this more detailed historical graph

of earnings, revenue and cash flow.

Has Antipa Minerals Limited Been A Good Investment?

Given the total loss of 50% over three years, many shareholders in Antipa Minerals Limited are probably rather dissatisfied, to say the least. It therefore might be upsetting for shareholders if the CEO were paid generously.

In Summary...

Roger Mason is paid around what is normal the leaders of comparable size companies.

We like that the company is growing EPS, but we find the returns over the last three years to be lacking. Considering the the positives we don't think the CEO pays is too high, but it's certainly hard to argue it is too low. If you think CEO compensation levels are interesting you will probably really like

this free visualization of insider trading at Antipa Minerals.

Story continues

Arguably, business quality is much more important than CEO compensation levels. So check out this


list of interesting companies, that have HIGH return on equity and low debt.

If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at

[email protected]

. This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.

We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading.

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